Feel Connected with Nature for your Mental Health

Did you know that Mental Health Awareness Week took place from 10th to 16th May? For many people, the week will have passed them by, even though good mental health is vital to all of us. Mental Health Awareness Week is an important reminder for us to take care of our mental health and to watch out for the mental health of our colleagues, family and friends. But doing this isn't just for 1 week in the year - we need to do it all the time!

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Our Buddhist Roots

There are many advocates and critics of mindfulness alike that claim that the practice today has been severed from its Buddhist roots, losing its ethics and deeper wisdom in the process. But, what if ethics and wisdom are so intrinsic to contemporary mindfulness that they can’t be separated?

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Mindfulness at Work – 5 Top Tips

In recent years, employers of all shapes and sizes have recognised the benefits of looking after their teams mental health and promoting wellbeing at work, helping employees to manage stress levels, stay focused and increase cooperation and workplace loyalty. Mindfulness at work, in particular has become an increasingly popular choice for employers committed to supporting staff to develop resilience in response to workplace stressors.

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