The Zen Pod, Milton Keynes

The Zen Pod is a tranquil, comfortable, private and cosy space for therapy, mindfulness and coaching 1-2-1 clients. It is located in the garden behind the main house. The sound-proofed and air-conditioned Zen Pod helps clients to completely relax and get the very best from therapy, teaching or coaching.
1 Laxfield Drive, Broughton, Milton Keynes, MK10 9NQ
Park in one of the spaces outside the house or in the Broughton local centre square, next to Laxfield Drive.
Enter via the left side gate, past the Bamboo Clinic, past the Sakura Studio and the Zen Pod is the last building on the right.
The Quaker Centre, Milton Keynes

The Quaker Centre is our preferred space for group mindfulness classes and courses. It is a peaceful, relaxed and harmonious space with an abundance of positive energy.
The Quaker Centre, 1 Oakley Gardens, Downhead Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9BH
There is a small car park immediately outside the building, or you can park along the right side of Oakley Gardens or there is overflow parking a short walk away at the Cross & Stable in Downs Barn.
Enter via the main door and check the white board for the room allocated to Mindful Me.
Terapia Centre, Finchley, London

Our Mindfulness Teacher Training course, Mindfulness Now, takes place at the wonderful Terapia Centre, a therapy and training centre for child and adolescent psychotherapy. The centre is located at The Bothy in the grounds of the historic Stephens House and Gardens.
We have use of two large rooms, informal break out spaces, kitchen facilities and beautiful outdoor space in the walled garden. Shops and eateries for lunch are within a short walk.
Terapia Centre, The Bothy, 17A East End Road, Finchley, London, N3 3QE
Transport & Parking
Parking is available on the side streets opposite the Centre. Finchley Central Tube station is just 10 minutes walk away. There are good bus services on East End Road.
The Bothy is set in a walled garden, accessed via Stephens House gardens. Ring the bell outside the main gate and walk through the walled garden to the building.