Here are some examples of the many resources that I have created for the Mindful Eating 6-Step Programme.

I have included here the entire welcome video, clips from a mindful eating skills video and a mindful movement video and an audio clip from a meditation. I have also added some information about the health and lifestyle questionnaire and about your live sessions of Coaching and Hypnotherapy with me.

If you have any questions, please get in touch.


Mindful Eating 6 Step Programme - Meditation

A Taste of Mindfulness

This is a clip from one of the 7 meditations that have been developed and recorded specifically for the Mindful Eating 6-Step Programme.

This meditation introduces you to mindfulness practice. It is best to listen to it in a quiet place with headphones or earphones/earbuds.

As the name suggests, this meditation teaches you the basic skills of mindful awareness, emphasising the breath and the belly. It is a gentle introduction that means you will get the most from the meditations that follow in subsequent weeks.

Eating Skills

Mindful Eating 6 Step Programme - Mindful Eating Skill

Slowing Down

This is a clip from one of the 6 Mindul Eating skills videos.

This skill will teach you the importance of slowing down while you eat and share some tips on how to do it in practice.

The key elements are: putting less food in your mouth, chewing food slowly and thoroughly and putting your fork or spoon down while you chew. Eating slowly is a wonderful way to really appreciate and enjoy your food and will support you in eating less without difficulty.


Mindful Eating 6 Step Programme - Movement

Slow Mindful Walking

This is a clip from one of the 6 Mindful Movement Activity videos that have been recorded specifically for the Mindful Eating 6-Step Programme. The Mindful Movement Activity videos range from 10 mins to 30 mins each.

It may seem counter-intuitive to walk slowly. You’ve probably been told that you have to get your heart moving to lose weight. We will certainly do some movements later in the programme to get your heart moving faster. What’s more important now is that you begin some movement that you can enjoy.

In this video you are instructed on the art of slow mindful walking. It can be done indoors or outdoors and you don’t require a lot of space for it.

Health & Lifestyle Questionnaire

Mindful Eating 6 Step Programme - Health and Lifestyle Questionnaire

When you sign-up, you will be asked to complete and return the Health and Lifestyle Questionnaire, which you can download from this website.

I will use the information to assess your current health and lifestyle factors so that I can support you well during your coaching and hypnotherapy. It means you will have a more personalised experience during those sessions.

The information is held in confidence and deleted once you have completed the programme.


Mindful Eating 6 Step Programme - Book Appointment With Me

Book Your Appointments Online

You will be able to use the Online Booking System to book your appointments.  In the booking system, you simply select the Mindful Eating 6-Step Programme.

Your appointments should normally be over 6 consecutive weeks but we can agree a different schedule if that would suit you better.

The themes and focus for your 6 sessions will be as follows:

  1. Letting Go of Your Past – a session of Coaching to understand your current eating and activity patterns and agree your goals for the Programme.
  2. Believing in Your Future – a session of Hypnotherapy to create a vision of your future success and happiness.
  3. Practicing Your New Skills – a session of Coaching and teaching you the skills of Cognitive Mood Processing to manage resistant thoughts and feelings.
  4. Taking Control of Your Cravings – a session of Coaching and teaching you Emotional Freedom Technique, to help you take control of your cravings and desires.
  5. Loving Yourself – a session of Hypnotherapy to reinforce self-belief and help your subconscious to let go of old habits and attachments.
  6. Falling Down and Getting Up Again – a session of Coaching to address any negative self-talk, recognise what you’ve achieved and set goals for your future beyond the Programme.


Mindful Eating 6 Step Programme - Inspiring Words

Get Yourself A Notebook or Journal

Throughout the programme, I will be asking you to keep some notes in a Journal, to capture your thoughts and progress as you move through the Programme. You can also use it to write down any successes or difficulties you are having and any questions that come to mind in between our sessions.

You could start your journal by writing the title – Mindful Eating 6-Step Programme, then write down your overall motivation for joining the Programme.

Online Resources

Mindful Eating 6 Step Programme - Happy Thoughts

Lifetime Access to High Quality Resources

You will be able to access more than 25 video and audio resources that I have created specfically for this Programme.

You will be able to bookmark your Programme home page so you can return to the resources again and again.

Remember that the Programme includes lifetime access to these resources.